7 Ways To Use Minds Co/Work To Its Fullest

A co/work space can be a great way to get motivated and focused on the tasks ahead. It is an innovative opportunity for entrepreneurs and professionals to work smarter by leveraging their collective knowledge and experience. 

By 2024, the number of people using co/working spaces is expected to reach 5 million, surpassing the 1.18 million in 2017. 

In this article, we will explore the seven strategies you can use to take advantage of the features of Minds Co/Work.

1. Set goals and boundaries - When you work in a co/work space, you can easily get distracted by others around you. It’s important to set boundaries so you can reach your work/life balance. This can be done by setting a specific time to be at the co/work space during the week and spending weekends with your family. 

2. Create an optimal workspace - One of the first steps in maximizing your productivity is creating an optimal workspace. You may want to consider renting a dedicated workspace rather than sharing a communal table. 

3. Take regular breaks - Breaks give your mind and body a chance to rest and return to work with a fresh perspective and energy. For example, taking a short walk outside during your break can help ease any stress and quiet the mind. While taking regular breaks is important, respecting the breaks of others around you is also important. This can include keeping noise and phone conversations to a minimum and respecting the break times of others in the space. 

4. Get to know your co/workers - As you get to know others at your co/work space, you may find that you can build meaningful relationships and make professional connections. Work near people with skills that complement your own, so you can learn from them and benefit from their expertise.

5. Take advantage of amenities - For example, Minds Co/Work has a conference room for when you need a private face-to-face meeting with a client. They also offer unlimited coffee so don’t need to find a coffee shop for your mid-morning pick me up.

6. Utilize technology - Our co/work spaces are designed for creative professionals. They come equipped with plenty of technology, such as fast internet, reliable wifi, various devices, and projectors. 

7. Network with others outside your co/working space - While it’s important to make connections at the co/work space, you may also want to connect with others outside of your co/work space. This can help you stay motivated and focused and provide new perspectives. You can connect with others in a variety of ways, such as joining a club or group, attending conferences, or scheduling one-on-one meetings. 

Are you looking for a place to foster your creativity while still providing structure? Minds Co/Work offers a unique way to achieve your goals and unlock your potential. 

Heather LaVineComment